Software Categories


There is a wide variety of available softwares. Two broad categories of softwares are:

►System Software.
►Application Software.

►System Software.

The collection of programs that are used to serve other programs, are known as "System Software".
For example Compilers, Drivers, Operating Systems, Editors, Networking Softwares etc.

Application Software.

Standalone programs that solve a specific problem or business need. For example Microsoft Office, Microsoft Paint, Calculator etc.

Other categories of softwares are given below:

►Real Time softwares.
►Embedded softwares.
►Engineering/Scientific softwares.
►Artificial Intelligence based softwares.
►Personal softwares.
►Database softwares.

Real Time softwares.

Softwares that monitor, analyze and control real world software events, are known as "Real Time softwares". For example Mesile shooting, security systems etc.

Embedded softwares.

Softwares that are permanently stored on hardware, are known as "Embedded softwares". For example ROM chip, software used in microwave oven, software used in toys, software used in automobolis etc.

Engineering/Scientific softwares.

Softwares that performs engineering or scientific related tasks, are known as "Engineering or Scientific softwares". For example astronoly related softwares, softwares used in Bio/Chemistry fields etc.

Artificial Intelligence based softwares.

Softwares that are based on AI none chunking algorithm, are known as "Artificial Intelligence based softwares". For example rebooting, voice recognition softwares etc.

Personal softwares.

Softwares that can be run on ppersonal computers, are known as "Personal softwares". For example entertainment softwares, games softwares etc.

Database softwares.

Softwares that create, maintain and operate databases, are known as "Database softwares". For example Database Mangement System.

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