►Software Quality Assurance is the task of two parties. i.e.
►Software development Team.
►SQA group.
Following are activities performed parrellaly with software development.
►Developing software quality plan.
►Participating in each process of software development.
►Reviw software engineering activities.
►Review each work product.
►Final documentation.
►Developing software quality plan.
Software qualiyu plan is done with software plan. Software quality plan contains the following issues:
♦Audits and reviews.
♦Identification and reporting defects.
♦Inspections and work throughs.
►Participating in each process of software development.
As SQA group has to assist software team to control software quality. Software quality gaining is not involved only in development, it is gained at each software development process so SQA group should participate in each software development process.
►Reviw software engineering activities.
Reviewing software engineering activities to assure that it is according to defined procedures or not?
►Review each work product.
Review each product activity is to assure that the software is following the well defined stated standards.
►Final documentation.
After reviewing software engineering process and work products, if SQA group finds any deviation from the defined standards, then it assures that all the deviations are documented properly, corrections are suggested and reported to management. |