In the Generic view of software engineering, we will focus on "Software Development Life Cycle".
Generic Phases.
The work associated with software engineering can eb categorized into these generic phases , regardless of application area, project size, complexity.
►Definition Phase.
►Development Phase.
►Maintinance Phase.
►Definition Phase.
In "Definition Phase", the focus is on "What".
What information is to be processed?
What performance and functions are required?
What system behaviour can be expected?
What interfaces to be established?
What Design Contraints exists?
What validation criteria is required?
What are the key requirements.
►Development Phase.
In "Development Phase", focus is kept on "How"
How data are to bt structured?
How functions are to be implemented?
How procedural details are to be implemented?
How interfaces are to be categorized?
How design will be translated into programming languages?
How testing will be performed?
►Maintinance Phase.
In "Maintinance Phase", the software is maintained to meet the future requirements.